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Class 9 geography chapter 1

                 INDIA SIZE AND LOCATION 1. India is a vast country. Lying entirely in the Northern hemisphere. 2. The main land extends between latitudes 8°4'N and 37°6'N and longitudes 68°7'E and 97°25'E. 3. The Tropic of Cancer (23° 30'N) divides the country into almost two equal parts. 4. To the southeast and southwest of the mainland, lie the Andaman and Nicobar islands and the Lakshadweep islands in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea respectively. 5.The land mass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km. India’s total area accounts for about 2.4 per cent of the total geographical area of the world. 6. India is the seventh largest country of the world. 7. India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km and the total length of the coast line of the mainland including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep is 7,516.6 km. 8. India is bounded by the young fold mountains in the northwest, north and north east. South of about ...

Science class 9 chapter 1

Chapter 1 1.   Everything in this universe is made up of material which scientists have named “matter”. The air we breathe, the food we eat, stones, clouds, stars, plants and animals, even a small drop of water or a particle of sand – everything is matter. The things mentioned above occupy space and have mass. They have both mass* and volume**. 2. Early Indian philosophers classified matter in the form of five basic elements – the “Panch Tatva ”– air, earth, fire, sky and water. 3. Modern day scientists have evolved two types of classification of matter based on theirphysical properties and chemical nature. 4. Matter is made up of particles. 5.  When we dissolve salt in water, the particles of salt get into the spaces between particles of water. 6.  A few crystals of potassium permanganate can colour a large volume of water (about 1000 L). there must be millions of tiny particles in just one crystal of potassium permanganate, which keep ...

Economics class 9 chapter 1

CHAPTER 1 1.         Small scale manufacturing, dairy, transport, etc. are production activities need various types of resources — natural resources, manmade items, human effort, money, etc.   2.        India, farming is the main production activity. The other production activities, referred to as nonfarm activities include small manufacturing, transport, shop-keeping, etc. 3.         The aim of production is to produce the goods and services that we want. There are four requirements for production of goods and services. 4.         The first requirement is land, and other natural resources such as water, forests and minerals. The second requirement is labour, i.e. people who will do the work. Some production activities require highly educated workers to perform the necessary tasks. The third requirement is physical capital, i.e. the variety of in...